Smart Eye Care Tips to Enjoy a Safe Diwali

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Smart Eye Care Tips to Enjoy a Safe Diwali

Diwali  - the festival of lights is just round the corner!

Being one of the most beautiful festivals with sparkling lights and spectacular firecrackers, this festivity fetches us unalloyed fun, joy, and golden moments of togetherness. The celebrations bring myriads of fun and enjoyment. But quite unfortunately, inappropriate handling and playing with fireworks account for thousands of emergency room visits each year during the festival of Diwali.

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After the hands and fingers, eyes are the second-most common affected area. Most people do not think of the accidents that could happen during the festivities, on account of the fireworks and sparklers. The main cause of injuries on Diwali is the lack of proper safety measures during playing with crackers.

Medical experts strongly dampen firework play of any kind owing to grave issues such as eye health and safety risks that are involved. Trust, playing with sparkles and firecrackers without adequate precaution or with a carefree attitude could be very dangerous.

1.  Safe Distance – One is strictly advised to always maintain a safe distance while playing with fireworks. There is always a possibility of an explosion in devices as most fireworks contain gunpowder. Fireworks being unpredictable, injuries can branch out even if the person is careful or is under supervision. As per data, nearly 40 percent of fireworks injuries are to bystanders. Maintaining a safe can certainly ensure less harm in case of a mishap.

2.  Mishandling of Crackers – Crackers are even now dangerous in the first place; mishandling predisposes them even more perilous. Please read 10 smart safety measures that can safeguard joyous Diwali free of any mishap. Never cover crackers with glass bottles, tins, boxes or earthen pots for sound effects, for they can burst into tiny pieces and can damage one’s eyes forever. Also, do not be near crackers that have botched to explode.

3.  Choice of Clothes – As loose clothes can easily come in contact with flame unaware to the person, they that can flutter should be avoided around crackers. Crackers such as anaar and bottle rocket come in contact with the loose clothes easily.

4.  Taking care of eye lenses – It is never advisable to wear contact lenses while watching or bursting crackers. This is so because contact lenses can cause irritation to the eyes if exposed to high heat for a longer period of time. Wear some eye protection while carrying out the lighting of firecrackers instead.

5.  Always Burst Crackers in Open Space – An open space reduces the chances of anything going wrong. Harm to eyes from the smokes coming out from the bursting of cracking, which will have a reduced effect in the open area.

6.   Wash hands properly – Colors of firecrackers and rangoli have detrimental chemicals in them. Make sure you wash your hands properly after making a rangoli or handling fireworks, and before you touch your eyes. The colored powder, chalk powder and chemicals from the crackers may lead to eye irritation and itchiness and in certain cases, cause irreparable damage.

7.  Rush to emergency – A medical professional should be at once contacted in case of my mishap or damage to the eye. Should a splinter or anything that’s hot and burning embraces the eyes, instantly wash with lots of clean water. Until you reach the doctor, you can also smear some ice or cold compress if possible. Many eye hospitals keep special night and emergency facilities on Diwali open.

8.  Wear a spectacle - Wearing a simple plain spectacle and prove very helpful. This will protect eye by acting as a shield to any foreign bodies.

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